One might think that since ServicePoint® is a browser-based solution which relies on Java, that new tablet products coming onto the market would support its use. However, Microsoft saw fit to change things up a bit in the release of their new Surface product. If you are not familiar with the different hardware and software configurations of the Surface, you should be before buying.
The Surface comes in two hardware types Pro or RT (Intel or Nvida processors) each with its own OS (Full Win 8 or Win 8 RT respectively) and not to make it more complicated, each come pre-installed with two versions of Internet Explorer, the default browser. Read these sites for an explanation.
The biggest problem with using ServicePoint® on the Surface RT is the lack of browser choice. Both Google and Mozilla have declined to create another build of their products for an ARM Win OS. Therefore, now and probably for a long time into the future, the only browser choice in the RT is IE, the least preferred browser in the Bowman ServicePoint® world.
Here’s the solution: ServicePoint® will run on the Surface RT but some configuration should be done to the tablet to ensure success and lower user frustration. Here’s what we have done for our clients in this position. The most critical step is that ServicePoint® will not run in the Metro IE browser. Therefore, the Surface must be configured to the extent possible to use only the desktop IT browser.
Summary of Steps
1. Turn Bluetooth Off (optional, conserves battery)
2. Set idle timeout sleep to 30 min
3. Set Surface to boot into Desktop Mode
4. Create Internet Explorer icon on the desktop
5. Set Auto Updates in IE Off
6. Set Home Page in IE to ServicePoint
7. Set Compatibility View in IE with ServicePoint URL